Big Pharma is withholding the cure for Cancer. They already have it and are not releasing it because they want to sell more drugs to put the cancers in remission. More profitable that way than to sell an outright cure.

Why would Big Pharma withhold it? They could sell much more of the cure than of a drug that would halt its progess. They could never fill all the orders at least within a reasonable time period. It would sell forever; they would never run out of customers.

This “cure” probably would be a prolonged event. One pill or injection is not going to do it. So, Pharma gets recurring sales. Many more would be getting Cancer and need the drug, so the cycle continues with astronomical sales and deliveries that cannot be met. If they developed the cure, then they would look for a way to prevent it. Think of the sales that would generate.

Just imagine the world chaos a cure would cause. Millions reaching out to be first so that they would survive. Millions that couldn’t afford it. Obviously, government would have to deal with this kind of panic..

There are so many types of cancers, so it’s very doubtful if there is one cure-all. Thus, many more drugs to sell than just one.

Lastly, an event as big as a cancer cure could not be kept a sercret, no matter how well guarded. 10’s o 1000’s of people would have been involved with the research, development and trials. Do you honestly think they all could keep the secret for the cure to the big C?


It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to travel from the research lab to the patient. In addition, only five in 5,000, or 1%, of the drugs that begin preclinical testing ever make it to human testing. Only one of these five is ever approved for human usage. The cost is $1.2B-2.6B.

They have to sell a lot of pills to realize profits.

Trump recognizes this and his plan is to streamline the FDA approval process WITHOUT lowering the approval standards. This would bring down costs and passed on to consumers.



After years of racism perpetrated upon blacks by an “unjust system”, Black civil wrongs constitute their #1 threat to progress. The surrender to drugs, dropouts, violence, abandoned families, and alienated children have not only eroded their power base, but are fueling the politics of fear, anger, and repression.

They are easy marks because these victims still cling to their Charlatan leaders Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and the Democratic plantation which panders for their vote and then abandons them.

Comes now BLM which advocates violent protest, civil disobedience, and lack of respect for law enforcement. Their agenda which, enhanced by two visits to the Obama Whitehouse, has led to mass shooting of policemen and a series of ambush killings done by crazies who tipped over and followed BLM teachings.

It is truly unfortunate that the black community would prefer to share the misery of injustice rather than honor goals of the system and lift themselves through its pursuit of the truth.

It is especially tragic that the “heroes” of our black community today are lawbreakers who “got away with it.”.

If Blacks want to change their victim complex of self pity, they must adopt a different mind set and change of heart. Then, a new identity will be established. Nothing around the black community is going to change, only change from within will be successful. The key to change is in the mind, the heart.

It must not always be about race.

That change will be aided by the $100B that President Trump has pledged to put into black communities nationwide. We hope that new leadership will emerge and lead the black community to different standards and raise the bar to new heights.



All the Dems are coming as well as the Left Wing media. Should be a great tour.

We will visit the following sites.
1. DT Jr. meeting with a lawyer from Russia.
2. Russian collusion in meddling with presidential election.
3. Obstruction of justice with fired FBI director Comey.

These will all lead to a dead end street.

Let’s take a detour and visit these attractions. Dems and Lefties not likely to take this route:
1. Clinton-Lynch-Obama-Comey tarmac connection.
2. Lynch order to Comey to call HRC probe a matter rather than an investigation.
3. Lynch order to Comey not to call HRC’s actions criminal. Gross negligence will do.
4 . Susan Rice invasion of privacy rights and subsequent release of information.
5. HRC classified emails, subsequent lies and destruction of subpeoned evidence.
6. By popular request, the hunt for the birth certificate. Real or fake. 7. Obama’s participation and knowledge of 1-6.

Highly probable that this route will lead to criminal charges of all of players. Depends on who takes the 5th, immunity given, and who caves first.



It might interest BLM and mean spirited anti-cop haters to know that there are approximately 800,000 members of law enforcement that make about 63,000,000 stops or encounters per year.

Hmmm…Let’s see just how many “pig buddies” misfit the uniform.

Fact: Less than .00025% of policemen misfit the uniform. That’s a better average than you’d find amongst clergy!

Further, out of 1.5M pedestrian stops annualy, 10,000 filed complaints; that’s .0066 % of potential police misconduct. Only about 1/5 or.0013% of those are prosecuted. 1/3 are convicted bringing the % down to .00043 or 43 convictions, just about the national average of rogue officers taking into account all the annual traffic stops and encounters.

This should serve to contextulizes the insults that police officers endure.




The Muslim claim that strict adherence to the Quran is on the extreme fringe of Islam is like calling the Vatican the extreme fringe of Catholicism.

Islam is not misunderstood. It causes fear in the hearts and minds of civilized people. It is the action of extremist Muslims that cause alarm and is common place in all the Middle Eastern countries. The Quran is incorporated in their constitutions.

Borders are no barrier to these beliefs. Moderniized countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, Kuwait, and Iran all share common ideals.

Why should we respect Islam? We are under no obligation to compromise with an ideology that preaches death to homosexuals, adultery, and blasphemy. Gender discrimination, unequal testimony in court between men and women, child marriage, beheadings, amputations Anti-Semitism, executions, death threats to those who disagree, Muslim patrols, rapes and Suria law are all part of daily life of Islam.

The West has nothing in common with Islam. Democracy has no common bond with Muslim extremists. That is precisely why so many went to immigrate to our country. They want to leave behind oppression and look forward to the freedom we offer.

Peaceful Muslims interpret the Quran to mold their views to meet civilized criteria. They choose to live with their neighbors in peace and respect other’s views….not so with the Islamic religion. It lacks political and religious tolerance and advocates violence and injustice.

When these cultures immigrate to tthe United States either they blend in and respect our way of living or send them back while not letting the door hit them on the way out.

Left Wing doubters look no farther than France, Germany, Belgium and Great Britain. Hoards of Muslim refugees have overrun these kind hearted countries. All of them are plagued with Muslims practicing Sharia Law and the principles of the Quran.



Eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history’s most reprinted newspaper editorial, appearing in part or whole in dozens of languages in books, movies, and other editorials, and on posters and stamps
DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old.
Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.
Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’
Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?
VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.
You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.
No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.


intercepted_episode_nine_v2-1490124654-article-header[1]An analysis follows of the players’ positions.
He is unpredictable. Combine his mental illness with absolute power, he is most dangerous. Now he has the Bomb with an ICBM delivery that will soon reach California, then DC.
He murders his family, brutalizes political prisoners and is hell bent on destroying his neighbors and the West. Comparisons to Hitler or Stalin are valid.
He is the mouse that roared. He will not flinch.
China supplies 85% of NK natural resources, food, and technology. It has the most to lose with a military solution. A mass migration triggered by a US strike would create panic causing millions to flock to the Chinese border. This is Chna’s biggest fear.
They like the status quo. They don’t want a unified Korea because it would increase US military presence.
China will not flinch.
Peace and Appeasement are not on speaking terms. While it seems that they are allies, not so, they are likely opposites. The policy of Appeasement by our last three presidents has not worked. It was a combination of compromises, sanctions, and financial aid which yielded broken promises by NK. They only encouraged development of a nuclear arsenal and a missile delivery system.
We can no longer wait.
The US has chosen persuasion over coercion. Our lack of decisive action has allowed an emboldened KJU to think he can do whatever he wants. He knows we will do nothing. That is why China sits on the sidelines tight lipped.
Technology is the key to a preemtive strike that would take out the border artillery, missile and nuclear installations and storage. Seoul is only 30 miles away. If the timing is not perfect, 10M will be wiped out.
Trump wil not flinch.
Will KJU capitulate? Will China freeze out NK? Will the US pull the trigger? Time is short, very short. Mr. President, make up your mind.


It has become obvious that in order to maintain the high standard of quality and tradition that historical landmarks represented in their once prideful communities, a way has to be found to make these wonderful and curious old buildings usable.
In many cases, progress has passed them by. What is to be done with the beautiful old mansions, libraries, post offices, train stations, banks, office buildings, and warehouses that are in various states of decay and deterioration? Many are vacant or abandoned and cannot be restored due to lack of funds and code requirements. There are few legal uses for them, which would generate enough income to justify their costly repairs and continual maintenance needs.
These beautiful old relics are no longer viable economic entities. They simply cannot compete when shackled by the chains of today’s unsympathetic building codes. Quite naturally, these intricate and wonderful buildings do not fit into the fast food mold that the building codes envision. This is precisely what makes them charming, unique, and worth preserving.
All this brings me to my point. These intricate buildings can never be built again. We simply cannot afford to take the chance of losing these precious assets due to restrictive laws. What better way to achieve this goal than to provide legislation, which will help preserve these landmarks and insure that they weather the passage of time gracefully?
Provisions in city and state charters must be drafted which would automatically exempt historical landmarks or buildings from the restrictive legislation. A clearly defined blatant cushion of protectionism in the form of preferential treatment is needed, one which exempts these wondrous gems from red tape, artificially inflated fees, and stringent building and zoning codes.
What other properties must endure must not apply to historic buildings. Landmarks are special. Treat them as separate, but NOT equal. Let them stand alone and aloof, impervious to the whims of the bureaucratic process.
The concept of protectionism for landmarks must must exist outside and apart from the ordinances and restrictions that govern present day developments. Without accepting these principles, we all take a huge chance of losing a part of our historical charm and identity.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferential treatment, when it benefits our community goals of keeping our cultural heritage intact. These landmarks renew our faith in craftsmanship, design, and the beauty of human work. Without special help, our rich heritage (or at least what’s left of it) will be hauled piecemeal to the dump, lost forever or become fair game to the graffiti tagger.
The old buildings and mansions should be allowed unlimited access to filming and new uses such as restaurants and loft living. The permit process should be made easier and free to encourage the use of these buildings. The elitist neighbor complaints, which push the development to other areas, should be ignored when it comes to landmarks because it is the only way the owners of these buildings can earn enough money to at least keep their buildings. A “working” building won’t fade away or be demolished to a developer for land value.
The trickle down affect will soon benefit all the trades associated with preservation. City and state lawmakers must. realize that there is nothing wrong with openly giving preferential treatment to a past gone era. In return, these beautiful old jewels will continue to grace our streets and remind us of our bygone heritage.


 While it seems that they would yield the same result, not so, they are likely opposites.

Appeasement in a political context is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an enemy power in order to avoid conflict.

The policy of Appeasement adopted by the last three Presidents was a system of yields, compromises, and sanctions that has allowed Kim Jong Un to build the H bomb and an ICBM missile delivery system.

North Korea is a worldwide nuclear threat run by a mentally defective dictator who doesn’t hesitate to kill his own family, uses brutal torture on its political prisoners, and starves its own people.

It is the mouse that roared

The US has chosen persuasion over coercion. It has encouraged KJU to think he can do whatever he wants.He knows we will do nothing. That is why China is sitting on the sidelines doing nothing but lip service. Each player has a different agenda, none coincide, and driven by a deranged mad man. .

We lack their ruthlessness. We live up to our good guy image. The last 4 wars, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf and Iraq, did not produce the definitive results that WWI & WW2 did. We are literally gun-shy. We are divided; the left is the dove and the right is the hawk.

Technology is the key. That’s because any preemptive strike must include taking out the massive amount of artillery on the border, all aimed at Seoul, 30 miles away. At the same time, the missile installations and the nuclear storage will be wiped out. If the timing is not perfect, 10M will be wiped out.

There was never a war that is more easier to start or stop. It’s the chicken game all over again. Who is going to flinch first? China, KJU, or the US?

Will the US pull the trigger? Time is short, very short. Mr. President, make up your mind.



Chinese silence on sanctions on North Korea is deafening. NK now has an ICBM that can reach the United States with a nuclear warhead. It has delivered a message that says LA can expect a gift package from KJU.
President Trump delivered the “line in the sand” message to KJU a few months ago; to no avail. He threatens another nuclear test while developing long range missiles. He has become emboldened, knowing that America has done nothing.
1. China steps up and cuts North Korea off.
2. Arm South Korea and Japan with nuclear capability. Neither want it, but China wants that less.
3. Drop MOAB’s on all their missile launch and mfg. site including mass bombing of their border artillery which has targeted Seoul and its 10M population only 35 miles away.
4. A regime change or coup d’etat overthrowing KJU
5. U.N. condemnation and sanctions.
6. Increased military presence on and around the Korean penninsula.
China wants none of the above. Most of all it does not want the North Korean hoards to flood the Chinese borders by the millions if war starts. So, it comes down to just how much pressure Trump wants to apply to his new found friend Chinese President Xi.
1. The allies cannot continue to live under the wrath of a mad man armed with the most dangerous weapons man has ever devised. It’s up to China to step in to avert war.
2. If China does nothing, a well planned attack on multi fronts might work. Attack the border cannons, and destroy the missiles sites as well as the nuke storage. Problem is that losses on both sides will be huge because of retaliation.
Either China will step in, pressure KJU, take away their nukes and missiles, and appoints his successor… or we will.
Say KJU doesn’t cave to China or President Xi refuses to pressue NK. KJU sends a nuke to Japan, Seoul, or Los Angeles. We cannot take the chance that a mentally impaired tyrant will use common sense and not pull the proverbial trigger.
In 1945, the US was the only one with nuclear capability. Now proliferation has spread and has gotten into the bad guy’s hands. A hydrogen bomb in a densely populated area woud kill millions. We cannot afford to wait for the first shot to respond. Then it’s too late. A pre-emptive strike is called for.
Haven’t we had enough experience with Pearl Harbor? We knew it was coming but did nothing and were caught flat footed. General Douglas MacArthur, WWII legend in the Pacific, had it right in 1951. He wanted to Nuke Manchuria and take out the threat once and for all. President Truman capitulated, firing the general.
Either we get them or KJU gets us! If we don’t, then who?