April 2016: The Clinton Campaign & the DNC paid $14M for the Dossier. It used its law firm, Fusion GPS to do opposition research and dig up dirt on then-candidate, Donald Trump.

Fusion, in turn, hired former U.K.investigator Christopher Steele to assemble the dossier. That full dossier of allegations wasn’t made public until after the election, in January 2017. ”

The document is based on anonymous Russian sources. They’ve never been proven, many have been disproven.
The DNC sent the documents to the FBI and then briefed the press on it.

Fake news if you will.

The Left Wing press was able to claim this was intelligence that the FBI possessed and it gave it some air of credibility, Pretty clever, no?

While the Democrats claim that the information was not used during the campaign, Steele briefed journalists in September 2016 on his research.

The dossier was used by the FBI to obtain a court order to wiretap members of the Trump team. This is no small deal. Now, the FBI is not letting House investigators see the relevant files.

The media and Democrats continue to peddle the line that it played no role in the election itself.



“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

It’s time to rethink this very sacred part of the Bill of Rights. The discussion that follows is by no means a doing away of the 4th Amendment, rather it is a reasoning to temporarily abridge for certain offenses.

Referring to the 25-year spate of terrorist attacks on US soil, Europe, and many other countries, we are at war with the Islamic terrorists who commit Jihad on thousands of innocent victims.

The lone wolf cannot be stopped, at least not with current 4th Amendment rights remaining as they are. While ISIS has failed in its quest for a Califate, the ideology remains in many scattered places in the Muslim world.

It has become increasingly obvious that terrorists use the internet to communicate their plans. While many of their emails are encrypted, social media is a format they use for advance bragging, recognition and discussions surrounding their future heinous acts.

The FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and law enforcement need a free reign to investigate cell phones, contacts, the internet, social media. and computers. With unfettered access, many of the terrorists’ plots can be thwarted. They will learn much from keyword searches which will lead to arrests before the terrorist acts. Same for immigration procedures. The immigrant must submit his cell phone and personal computer for inspection.

Suspicion will replace probable cause and permit a much more lenient standard leading to arrest.

If the terrorist knows his family will be arrested and their assets seized, he may think long and hard before giving up his life and making his family’s existence one of legal battles and jail time.

A proviso that allows seizure of the family’s assets should become part of a newly empowered Search and Seizure Act. Certainly, the families of potential terrorists will be more vigilant of their itinerant sons and turn them into authorities to protect their own skin.



1. Sanctuary cities are a raging example of a flagrant violation of Federal law.
2. DACA is not about 800,000 “kids” (up to 35), rather it’s over the shift in power that will put Florida, Arizona, & several others on the Democratic side. This change gives them the 2020 election.
3. If the 11,000,000 illegals are given a pathway to citizenship. The Dems will have eternal control over the destruction of the two-party system.

1. Government shutdown caused by the Dems for the sole purpose of allowing Dreamers to gain citizenship. 95% voted against a temporary funding.
2. Impeachment of the President by appointment of Special Prosecutor Mueller who is biased against him. He has appointed 9 attorneys, each has contributed to the Democratic Party.
3. A Democratic vote block that rallies against any legislation proposed by the GOP.

1. The Obama administration conspiracy to win the 2016 election will unravel and reveal collusion between the FBI, DOJ, HRC, Bill Clinton, the DNC. & former President Obama.
2. The Left Wing press gets its marching orders from the Dems. 90% of their reporting is biased against Trump. Fake news abounds.

We are witnessing an attempted coup; an overthrow of the central government which violates the Constitution of the United States of America, the most successful form of government in the history on mankind.

And for what? Illegal immigrants, who have squatted in the US and have drained the systems dry? Oh no! It’s for the purpose of taking back control of the Presidency and Congress.

It will take a strong-willed Donald Trump to withstand this firestorm.

Stand strong: right makes might.



Trump says no more aid. VP Pence was refused entry to Palestine. The peace process has been disrespected.

The United States gives Palestine hundred of millions of dollars each year. They pay terrorists’ families for their sons and daughters heinous acts.

They do nothing to advance peace, in fact, just the opposite.

It’s about time the US stop aiding a terrorist nation, especially one that openly urged its citizens to bomb and kill Israelis.

The most logical solutions often are ignored in favor of Political Correctness or a fear of reprisal, not to the USA, but to Israel in this case. In other words, we cut Palestine off and they intensify their attacks on their neighbor.

Palestine uses the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem to ramp up its rhetoric against Israel & the United States.

The more the previous administration tried to placate Palestine, the more money it had to sponsor terrorism. They do this openly and proudly.

COMMON SENSE would dictate that bad behavior does not get rewarded, financially or otherwise. Obama did not see it that way. So, we are where we are…..nothing accomplished toward a peaceful solution, mainly because Palestine keeps getting over $200M from us annually.

Kudos to Trump for taking the logical approach.



Obama and Clinton had many classified emails between them over her private, non-secure email account. The President refused to disclose the email chain citing executive privilege. If Clinton had been criminally charged those emails would have been in the spotlight and would have revealed complicity in Clinton’s conduct.

In March, 2015 the Obama administration was in panic. The Benghazi investigation was going on and Congress wanted to see her emails. Obama denied having any different knowledge about them as found out “the same time as everybody else learned it through news reports. Obama was confident that the alias he used in at least 20 of his emails would not be discovered.

Higher-ups in his staff knew differently.

President Obama claim that he learned of the Clinton private server through the press was not going well. All but the Left media didn’t buy off that he didn’t know some of HRC’s correspondence to him was on a private unsecured server.

Obama covered his tracks by claiming confidentiality. The Media played along with the explanation. He was able to sidestep disclosure and he didn’t have to use the term Executive Privilege which had dark Watergate connotations.

April, 2016, Obama, in a nationally televised interview, made clear that he did not want Clinton indicted. Her violations were not intentional. Obama’s analysis was the stated view of the chief executive. If, as was sure to happen, his subordinates in the executive law-enforcement agencies confirmed their decisions to his stated view, there would be no prosecution.

Lynch ordered FBI director Comey to change the terminology from “investigation” to “a matter”. It aligned well with the Clinton campaign rhetoric.

Within a few weeks, even though the investigation was ostensibly still underway and over a dozen key witnesses, including Clinton herself, had not yet been interviewed, the FBI began drafting Comey’s remarks that would close the investigation.

In May, 2016, Comey drafted a letter exonerating HRC before she was ever interviewed. He must have been acting on orders from Loretta Lynch, AG. The FBI does the investigation, the AG determines if there is criminality.

On June 27, Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on an out-of-the-way Arizona tarmac, where their security details arranged for both their planes to be parked. Lynch’s employee detail was asked to leave the plane, leaving the two to them alone for 45 minutes.

A passage on June 30, 2016, Comey memo included an “email exchange with the President while Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary.” It was later replaced with “another senior government official.” The effort to spare Obama from any incrimination was scrapped because it would have triggered a Congressional investigation so it was decided to give HRC the entire blame and then exonerate her.

On July 1, amid intense public criticism of her meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Lynch piously announced that she would accept whatever recommendation the FBI director and career prosecutors made about charging Clinton. Of course, she did: It was understood by all involved that there would be no prosecution. (Later texts between Page and Strozk reveal this play act by Lynch was disingenuous.)

On July 2, with the decision that she would not be indicted long since made, Mrs. Clinton sat for an interview with the FBI, something she’d never have done if there were a chance she might be charged. Clinton, not under oath, did the interview without Comey and with no notes taken during the interview.

On July 5, 2016, Comey held a press conference where he described HRC criminal conduct. He said she was guilty of extreme carelessness, tantamount to gross negligence, a criminal offense for a Secretary of State…but no charges filed because of no criminal intent.

Fearing this just might look a bit choreographed, the FBI had amended Comey’s planned remarks to include this assertion (which he in fact made on July 5): “I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice or any other part of the government. They do not know what I am about to say.”

The farce was complete.

All cleaned up and sanitary: no indictment, meaning no prosecution, meaning no disclosure of Clinton–Obama emails. It all worked like a charm . . . except for the part where Mrs. Clinton wins the presidency and the problem is buried and never spoken of again.

There can be no question that former President Obama colluded with the DNC, HRC, Lynch, Comey and Bill Clinton to fix the investigation so that Hillary would become president. It is so obvious that Obama was directing the cast of characters that were so desperately trying to keep HRC in the game. He hated Trump, still does, and wanted his legacy cemented in by an HRC presidency. She would have followed up on his governance.

If not Obama, then who?

Now they all will be staring down the gun barrel of a congressional investigation and perhaps a special prosecutor.

Luckily for us, she got Trumped.

Voila’…there it is….



The Left, so blinded by hate, cannot see the forest through the trees. They cannot get over their election defeat by a character so brash as Trump.

Nor can they stand by watching the unraveling of the Obama policies and the unseating of their power base.

They refuse to acknowledge Hillary Clinton’s stream of lies throughout her career and her utter lack of good character.

The Donna Brazile incident where she gave the CNN questions to Clinton before a town hall debate against the hapless Bernie Sanders is 100% proof that HRC lacks moral character. She has no ethics.

She should have issued a strong rebuke to Brazile and the DNC and demanded a fresh set of questions. But no, she never said a word.

That’s the Hillary Clinton we feared. A combination of poor judgement and low moral standards. That is what we would have gotten if she has been elected. She would have followed the Obama footsteps of corruption and feckless leadership.

That is why Donald Trump got elected.

Thus, all the grousing and insulting comments dished out at our President are coming from a disingenous source. It is the Democrats who fuel the media with fake news which spreads hate through innuendo and speculation.

We are witness to an unsuccessful coup d’etat which is based on fraud spearheaded by the FBI & the DOJ. When the evidence is unsheathed it will trail back to Barack Obama.

The original purpose was to undermine the Trump candidacy and put HRC in the White House.

Now, the underlying reason is to dislodge Trump from the throne. Calls for impeachment or the use of the 25th Amendment to unseat him are commonplace from the Left.

He is not unfit to serve. There is no proof of that. He did not collude with Russia to win the election. He did not obstruct justice in the firing of FBI Director Comey. Where is the evidence?

What poppycock!

Trump remains strong and unflappable. He is resolute in his goal to restore America to its position as the leader on the world stage as well as bringing economic prosperity to the homeland.

His State of the Union address said much to advance his agenda. He remains focused and on track, one that he has never veered away from.

He will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents as well as the most controversial.



The FBI & the DOJ conspired with the Clinton campaign and DNC to exonerate her of violations of the Espionage Act. In the course of trying to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President, they framed him for the non-existent crime of Russian collusion.

The Trump Dossier was a fabrication that would show Trump colluding with the Russians to win the election. It was bought and paid for ($14M) by the DNC. The FISA court issued warrants to spy on Trump campaign members based on the false information supplied by the Trump Dossier.

The FISA court was NOT informed by the FBI and the DOJ that the basis for their warrant was the opposition research done by the DNC which hired Fusion to do its dirty work. Both governmental agencies had prior knowledge about the Trump Dossier, who paid for it and that it was a falsehood.They concealed evidence and deceived a Federal judge.

The question of just how high up the food chain this investigation and surely others to follow will go? Certainly, it will not stop at the low levels of the FBI or DOJ. It will point right to James Comey, FBI Director, and AG Loretta Lynch. On the way, it will ensnare HRC and the DNC.

Worse yet, Comey had full knowledge of the false Dossier when he sent his diary over to a friend who published it. Comey requested a special prosecutor. Mueller was appointed the next day.

On May 16, 2017, Rod Rosenstein Assistant AG brings Robert Mueller to Trump’s office for an interview to become head of the FBI. Mueller fails the interview and the very next day, Rosenstein appoints his as the special prosecutor over the Russian Collusion and Obstruction charges. How can he investigate the President in without bias?


Obviously, it was Barack Obama. He wanted his legacy continued and he had a passionate hate for Trump. He knew the HRC campaign was in deep trouble. No honest high ranking cabinet member is going to take this on as their own. Comey & Lynch yielded to former President Obama. They shared the same hate for Trump as he did.

If not him, then who?