Trump says no more aid. VP Pence was refused entry to Palestine. The peace process has been disrespected.

The United States gives Palestine hundred of millions of dollars each year. They pay terrorists’ families for their sons and daughters heinous acts.

They do nothing to advance peace, in fact, just the opposite.

It’s about time the US stop aiding a terrorist nation, especially one that openly urged its citizens to bomb and kill Israelis.

The most logical solutions often are ignored in favor of Political Correctness or a fear of reprisal, not to the USA, but to Israel in this case. In other words, we cut Palestine off and they intensify their attacks on their neighbor.

Palestine uses the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem to ramp up its rhetoric against Israel & the United States.

The more the previous administration tried to placate Palestine, the more money it had to sponsor terrorism. They do this openly and proudly.

COMMON SENSE would dictate that bad behavior does not get rewarded, financially or otherwise. Obama did not see it that way. So, we are where we are…..nothing accomplished toward a peaceful solution, mainly because Palestine keeps getting over $200M from us annually.

Kudos to Trump for taking the logical approach.


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