1. When issuing a command always use the dog’s name first. Clover come! BE CONSISTENT
2. Hand signals must accompany the vocal command. (Look them up in Google)
3. Be persistent. If the dog does not obey the command keep repeating it until he does. Make sure he executes before you go on to something else.
4. Get some training treat rewards for him. Reward when he does the command correctly. Reward when he is let out to relieve himself and does so.
5. Look for a training class put on by the city in your community. This increases the bond between you and your pup and is actually fun. And not expensive. Regardless, continue to train him yourself.
6. Take your pup wherever you go if appropriate. You can acclimate him to many situations and he will became much calmer.
7. Never strike your dog. You do not want him to become hand shy. Be firm and try to keep the voice at the same pitch.

The end result will be a friend who will not only obey your commands, but will be intuitive as to what you want without you even asking. Clever Clover is like that.

(Photo shows Clover under a stay command. Note his alertness)

Clover stay


It has become obvious that in order to maintain the high standard of quality and tradition that historical landmarks represented in their once prideful communities, a way has to be found to make these wonderful and curious old buildings usable.

In many cases, progress has passed them by. What is to be done with the beautiful old mansions, libraries, post offices, train stations, banks, office buildings, and warehouses that are in various states of decay and deterioration? Many are vacant or abandoned and cannot be restored due to lack of funds and code requirements. There are few legal uses for them, which would generate enough income to justify their costly repairs and continual maintenance needs.

These beautiful old relics are no longer viable economic entities. They simply cannot compete when shackled by the chains of today’s unsympathetic building codes. Quite naturally, these intricate and wonderful buildings do not fit into the fast food mold that the building codes envision. This is precisely what makes them charming, unique, and worth preserving.

All this brings me to my point. These intricate buildings can never be built again. We simply cannot afford to take the chance of losing these precious assets due to restrictive laws. What better way to achieve this goal than to provide legislation, which will help preserve these landmarks and ensure that they weather the passage of time gracefully?

Provisions in city and state charters must be drafted which would automatically exempt historical landmarks or buildings from the laws. Perhaps, federal legislation would be more effective. A clearly defined blatant cushion of protectionism in the form of preferential treatment is needed, one which exempts these wondrous gems from red tape, artificially inflated fees, and stringent building and zoning codes.

What other properties must endure must not apply to historic buildings. Landmarks are special. Treat them as separate, but NOT equal. Let them stand alone and aloof, impervious to the whims of the bureaucratic process.

The concept of protectionism for landmarks must exist outside and apart from the ordinances and restrictions that govern present-day developments. Without accepting these principles, we all take a huge chance of losing a part of our historical charm and identity.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferential treatment when it benefits our community goals of keeping our cultural heritage intact. These landmarks renew our faith in craftsmanship, design, and the beauty of human work. Without special help, our rich heritage (or at least what’s left of it) will be hauled piecemeal to the dump, lost forever or become fair game to the graffiti tagger.

The old buildings and mansions should be allowed unlimited access to filming and new uses such as restaurants and loft living. The permit process should be made easier and free to encourage the use of these buildings. Large tax credits should encourage their reuse.

The elitist neighbor complaints, which push the development to other areas, should be ignored when it comes to landmarks because it is the only way the owners of these buildings can earn enough money to at least keep their buildings. A “working” building won’t fade away or be demolished to a developer for land value.

The trickle-down effect will soon benefit all the trades associated with preservation. City and state lawmakers must realize that there is nothing wrong with openly giving preferential treatment to a past gone era. In return, these beautiful old jewels will continue to grace our streets and remind us of our bygone heritage.




Back-and-forth back-and-forth we go,
Both sides never bending, there is no to and fro.
Facts don’t matter and nothing stays the course,
Lefty makes no sense because he is an Intellectual Clutterhorse.

Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi and the De Niro’s,
Flap their mouths but they were never our heroes.
Makes no difference, they always sound the same,
The Intellectual Clutterhorse horse always know whom to blame.

Accuse the Right and make sure it ends with Donald Trump,

Despite the rants, our President always primes the pump.
He toils and works 24/7 all the day and night,
Battling the fakers and Dems he never gives up the people’s fight.

Pundits that have no visible means of support,
Can’t get a job so they clawback with distort.
Leaderless Parrots sing together but have no basis for their rant,
All in unison with the meme and the same meaningless chant.

The talking heads walk the line but deeper they sink,
Down the drain they go claiming that things do stink.
In so deep they can’t recoil to ask for a divorce,
They avoid facts and thus the name, Intellectual Clutterhorse.

*An original term coined by Sluggo



Comey & McCabe we’ve got your make,
Comey & McCabe a two-headed snake.
Comey & McCabe kings of the fake, 
Comey & McCabe still on the take

The conspiracy began right at the top,
The train started moving and could not stop.
Clinton to Lynch to Obama to Comey, all in one hop,
Too late now the proverbial bubble is about to pop.

Mueller & IG Horowitz both such a sham,
Used their positions to perpetrate the scam.
Nunes & Gowdy provide the big bam,
You bet’um Red Rider they all on the lam.

Comey writes a book and comes out on tour,
Can’t listen to him he’s such a boor.
McCabe wants to testify and thinks it’s the cure,
Morally bankrupt both will end up poor.

A piece of the swamp is Jeff & Bob,
McCain & McConnell part of the mob.
Pelosi & Schumer are corns on the cob,
Sellouts and turncoats a fact of the job.

Traitors and bailouts like deserter Bo,
Comey & McCabe grandstand for show.
Ethics and morals are at a new low,
They stand and deliver a personal low blow.

Comey & McCabe we heard your pout,
Can’t get a job that’s what it’s about.
The fans in the stands unanimously shout,
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.



The border children are the symptom of a much larger unsolved long-standing immigration problem. Our immigration system is broken, and effectively we have no borders.

This is not a political issue. It is a matter of following the laws created by the Bush & Obama administration.

We cannot ask our border patrols to violate US law. That’s why there are three branches of government.

1. Would you have them join the other 11 million illegal aliens and continue to boost that number up to 15 or 20 million? Where does it all End? Would you prefer a country with no borders?
2. They can enter legally at designated port of entries. They can then claim asylum in an effort to circumvent the millions who try to enter and stay legally.
3. Congress can change the laws. It is up to Congress to legislate any changes. That’s why it’s called the legislative branch.
4. Annex Mexico




With few exceptions, Hollywood celebs and studios support, endorse, & fund the DNC & its candidates. They speak out in unison against Donald Trump with a variety of tasteless vulgar insults; many of them so rude, mean-spirited and insulting that in any other forum they would get a well-deserved punch in the face.

Some have been questioned by the Secret Service for death threats against the president. Of course, they always slide out like greased lizards because of whom they are. Royalty has its privilege.

Their insults are newsworthy to the left-wing media. They give huge television coverage and are cast as martyrs, rather than the boorish pigs they really are.

Celebrities use venues like award shows, videos, and press interviews to show their disdain for Donald Trump. They revel in the applause and laughter they get for their misguided efforts to demean the president of the United States and his office.

Respect is a word that no longer exists in their vocabulary.

Surely, there would be a double standard here, but, the Right does not retaliate nor do they initiate the kind of insults that are commonplace within the celebrity community.

I cannot recall the same being said for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or even James Comey.

The question arises as to whether the stars have the influential power over their domain that they think they do. Does thinking America accept their word for how bad the president is? Or, do they reject it, think for themselves, and probably will cast their vote in the GOP direction.

Plain and simple they are disgusted with the same rudderless rhetoric that we hear from Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Booker, and all the other talking heads.

Since the Democrats do not have any platform, charismatic leadership, and credibility to the voters, the celebrity rants have hurt their candidates much more than they help them; all the while losing their fan base.

The dissing of President Donald Trump with calls for impeachment, even before he was in office, is an irrational path that will lead to more GOP victories in 2018 and 2020.

So I thank De Niro, Judd, Streep Fondas, Madonna, Snoop, Griffen, and all the other clowns for their meme. They can’t think for themselves and can’t see the light that is Donald Trump.

It is not just the swamp that he has drained, it is a platform of long-awaited reform to immigration, taxes, the economy, regulations, and foreign policy that makes Trump so spectacular.

He says what he means and means what he says. He says what he does and does what he says. He does not fear to negotiate and does not negotiate out of fear.

Kudos To Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America.



Conservatives think Liberals have bad ideas. Liberals think conservatives are bad people if they disagree w them.

When Lefty has no logical argument they resort to name calling and disparaging the President. They try to diffuse the facts by calling him fancy names.

In the mind of a far-left progressive, they believe their insane political perspectives are the only views that matter.

By putting down the President, they only degrade themselves.

Mr. Average Citizen is smarter than that.



For purposes of discussion, the medical use of marijuana is excluded from this conversation.

This means that there are big profits coming into those invest large amounts of money.

Marijuana is like any other drug as it is the gateway to more legal drugs. Just like nicotine and alcohol, marijuana is addicting. Those who try marijuana are much more tempted to try harder drugs.

Ask anyone who uses it. They love it and they won’t give it up. Why should they, it’s harmless isn’t it? It makes them feel good. A stress reliever.

A new commercial push for marijuana is not any different than the marketing of alcohol or cigarettes. By the time it’s too late the population is addicted.

It is very slick and smart marketing. Marijuana is infused in many products and can be ingested by food, drink, or inhale.

It’s profit over health. None of this takes into consideration the fact of what is going to do to the public health. Think opioid crisis.

Are we prepared to handle the influx of the traffic that will strain our already limited public health system? Are the insurance companies going to cover legal and voluntary addiction? I think not.

Already, 25% of the DUI arrests are because of marijuana intoxication. Several states have legalized marijuana and the federal government is considering legalizing it. This is a big mistake and should be carefully analyzed.



The Left & the Right conflict is a battle of good vs good. It’s a question of perception. Each thinks they’re right.

It is astounding that the Left cannot see the fallacies of their unreasonableness. Instead, they continue their charge, like the bull in the china shop, ignoring anything and everything trying to make Trump look bad.

They deal from the bottom of the deck, hating Trump more than they love their country. In the end, we all suffer from their obstruction and inaction.

The Democrats lost the election, can’t get over it and now are unraveling. Insults, threats, vulgarity, fake news, disrespect, unruly protests & violence are commonplace. They choose the mob mentality because it’s the only voice they have.

There is a complete power outage on the Left. They lack leadership, a platform and the attention of the American voter.
Instead of trying to regain their confidence, they continue to cause chaos and obstruction throughout the system.

President Trump is part of the turmoil because he is so hated by the Left. Hated because he brings to the table all the things that were ignored as political dynamite and swept under the rug for years. Hated because he retaliates and often initiates blowback insults.

Immigration, taxes, foreign-policy, and the economy have all been abandoned during the Obama administration. Trump has offered and executed solutions. There is a fight, bordering on hysteria, on any legislation he tries to pass.

Trump said it best, “Drain the swamp”. By that, he meant get rid of corruption and tackle the many unsolved and ignored by the previous administration. That’s what he’s doing and they hate it and despise him.

Curiously, the Left is not accountable but the Right is. That mentality is turning because America is fed up with the minutiae. The Media is much to blame. They permit and often sanction the mob by either affirming the actions or show it continuously throughout the day.

Essentially the Dems are creating their own death warrant. Midterms and 2020 sound the toll.