This has been a long time in coming. Burning questions need answers. Finally an investigation with substance. So, let’s see what they will look for.

1. The Clinton-Lynch-Obama-Comey tarmac combination. Does anybody really think that Bill Clinton had his plane moved next to AG Loretta Lynch on the Arizona tarmac to discuss their grandchildren? All aids on Lynch’s airplane were asked to leave. Of course not, he wanted to influence Lynch in her decision to prosecute HRC for her classified emails, destruction of evidence, lying to congress, etc.

2. Lynch-Comey collusion in terming HRC criminal investigation as a “matter” not an investigation. That is what the Clinton campaign wanted so as to tamp down the harshness of the word, “Investigation”. Perhaps, the FBI should change its name to the Federal Bureau of Matters.

3. Collusion with Comey in decision that dropped criminal charges against HRC, even though Comey termed her acts as “extremely careless”. That is tantamount to gross negligence, a felony offense which would either put her behind bars or at the very least swamp her bid for President.

It is quite possible that Susan Rice will be brought in as will former FBI chief Comey. We might very well see an HRC subpoena which will lead to Bill & Hillary misappropriation of Clinton Foundation funds.

Lastly, depending on what they get out of Lynch, Comey et al, this might lead all the way up to Barack Obama. Will she take the 5th? This investigation is the one with real substance and meaning.

Just how complicit was President Obama? What did he know or order that moved Susan Rice to gather intelligence and eavesdrop on private citizens? How was he involved with the Comey-Lynch decision not to prosecute HRC? Will collusion between the Obama administration and the HRC presidential campaign be exposed?

Hopefully, all will come out in due course.



President Trump commented that there might be recordings of fired FBI Directory James Comey of their private conversations in the oval office. Trump’s tweet came days before Comey’s appearance before the Senate panel.

The Democratic line is Comey’s knowledge that tapes of their conversations may exist indicates that he is credible; that he risked perjury charges if he lied.

Left Wing media and Dems suggested that the threat of these tapes was made to intimidate Comey before his testimony. They cried , “Obstruction of justice” and have led to the hiring of a special prosecuter to investigate obtruction and Russian collusion.

Trump’s twitter served another purpose. Even though tapes do not exist, they serve the same purpose as if they did. It kept Comey honest. If he lied, the tapes would bear that out. So, what we got was a truthful and somewhat shocking response to poignant questions. Comey’s answers showed the lack of character and backbone that he had previously displayed when he let HRC off the criminal hook for her classified email debacle.

Further by-products of Comey’s testimony are:
1. Trump was not under iinvestgation for Obstruction of Justice.
2. Comey’s display of weakness, especially when questioned by Democrat Diane Feinstein, was vindication for Trump’s firing of the FBI Director.
3. Comey’s revelation that AG Loretta Lynch demand that he use the term “matter” rather than “investigation” when referring to the HRC inquiry.
4. Comey’s reaction to the Clinton-Lynch meeting on the Arizona tarmac.
5. As a result of his testimony, the Senate Judiciary Panel is now in the process of developing a hearing with Loretta Lynch which could lead to the election collusion that points directly at HRC and President Obama. Remember the Clinton-Lynch-Obama-Comey combination.



The systematic removal of Southern monuments commemerating Confederate war heros or leaders doesn’t seem right. History is not going to be erased, it makes up our culture, good or bad; it’s who we are and where we came from.
The memoriam are dedicated to those who gave their last full measure of devotion to their country. 650,000 men died in the Civil War. Counting the maimed and wounded, that’s 5% of the popultion in 1865. Removing Southern culture and heritage is an affront to the many descendants from the 11 states that seceded and the 5 who remained partial to the South.
It is difficult to fathom what removal accomplishes other than to produce division and resentment between black and white. Instead of removing all vestiges of the Confederacy, let us use these statues and the names inscribed on them to start a new conversation, one that acknowledges the roles of everyone involved and offers hope for our nation and its people of all colors.
Along the same lines, the Conferate battle flag represents similar sentiment. The Civil War, regardless of sides, is a part of our glorious history. Southern pride will not be wiped out because the flag is discredited or not flown. It changes nothing. Everyone knows the real meaning of the flag… is not aimed at blacks nor a hatred of them, rather it is part of our American Southern culture.


The belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities and should be treated as intellectual and social equals to men.
QUERY: What rights or privileges do men have that women don’t? What can men do that women can’t? Constitutionally and legislatively they are equal in every way. While there are physical constraints, they are not impossible barriers to overcome and usually occur in the military, law enforcement and fire fighters.
A feminist isn’t really interested in equal rights for women. They already have that except in one place: Divorce Court where the playing field is slanted their way.
Women’s marches do not march for all women. The man-hate examples set by Madonna, Ashley Judd, & Elizabeth Warren are indicative of the radical and highly visible arm of Feminism. But what about the pro-lifers, those that don’t embrace the victim mentality, conservative women, and stay at home Moms? Where are their voices?
VICTIMS: The feminist movement teaches women to see themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchy. Today, young women have more opportunities and more liberties than any women in history, yet their leaders tell them they’re short-changed silenced victims of a male dominated society. The demand for special treatment clouds the real question of equal opportunity .
Stop obsessing about equal outcomes, lest we find ourselves trying to cure society, not of sexism, but of free choice.




We are witnessing the death throes of the Democratic party; the final stages of failure and the ultimate end of a Liberal philosophy that has veered off the track. It has become a toxic brand. Their leaders and their platform are out of step. They are so blinded with a combination of grief over the HRC loss and their hatred for Trump that they no longer care for the well being of their constituency.

This is no temporary insane reaction to the HRC loss, rather, it is a calculated plan to wreck and unseat the President, no matter what the costs to the American people.

Just one week before Trump’s inauguration, Barack Obama issued an extraordinary executive order, a reckless departure from long standing policy, which allowed the NSA to share communications intercepted from private American citizens with the FBI, CIA, & 14 other intelligence agencies. All collected without warrants, court orders, or congressional authorization.

The net effect of this order was to sabotage the new government for the explicit purpose of undermining the newly elected president. It is no surprise that a conveyer belt of leaks has resulted in setting the stage for a rolling coup against the Trump administration.

We are witnessing a combination of agitation and propaganda which justifies a quest for power by any means. Staged demonstrations and chaos followed Trump’s proposed immigration ban. Countless investigations without one bit of proof continue to waste lawmakers’ time so that the goals of the Trump administration are hampered by endless gridlock.

The traditional role of accepting a loss and being respectful to an incoming president no longer exists. Those ideas have always been workable because they revolved around freedom that ties rights to responsibilities. Cooperation from outgoing presidents is and has always been the right, if not mandatory, thing to do. A peaceful change of power is what has kept Democracy alive for almost 250 years..

No so with Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Schiff, Lewis, et al.

The Dems are in full flight. They lost 1042 state and federal elections including the Presidency. Members of both houses are beginning to speak out and demand a change in leadership of their party.

Too little too late. Yes, it’s the same hackneyed leadership, but more important, it is a tipping over of the far left that is killing the Democrats. They are divided, ideologically rigid, morally corrupt, and lacking in common sense. They are filled with rage and moral superiority toward all that voted against their corrupt candidate.

In the end, Donald Trump is providing some long overdue backbone to the Republican Party. In contrast, the Democratic Party appears to be in the midst of a death struggle. The silent majority saw through all of this come election time. The brought on Trump who vowed to cut the Democratic corruption to a screeching halt. He is doing just that.




  1. GUN CONTROL: Whomever has the gun has control.”
  2. Hunting is NOT A SPORT because the prey doesn’t know it’s in the game. It doesn’t know the rules.
  3. FAITH is believing when common sense tells you not to.”
  4. “Nothing is quite as exhilarating as being shot at and missed.”
  5. TACT is for people who aren’t witty enough to be sarcastic.”
  6. “A tiger doesn’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.”
  7. It’s fine to believe in yourself, just don’t be too easily convinced.”
  8. “Your enemies succeed only when you hate them back.”
  9. PRIDE and VANITY have built more hospitals than all the noble virtues added together.”
  10. “An allegation in search of proof has no substance; proof which leads to allegation has credibility.”
  11. Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains.
  12. “A mind that is closed ceases to be one.” 
  13. Never hate your enemies… it might affect your judgment.
  14. DEFINITION OF GETTING OLD: Everything is just a little bit out of reach.”
  15. BE NICE TO YOUR CHILDRENfor they will choose your rest home.”
  16. Reading Playboy is like reading National Geographic; The sights are beautiful, but you’ll never visit them.”
  17. “Small men usually give the name of great men to appear greater themselves.”
  18. Trying is like failing; the only time you don’t want to fail is the last time you try.
  19. “A faint heart never won a fair maiden.”
  20. Whenever you talk, you’re repeating something you already know;  whenever you listen you are learning something new.”
  21. “When one woman strikes at the heart of another, she seldom misses, and her aim is invariably fatal.”
  22. A nasty heart manifests an ugly result. A cheerful heart makes its own song.”
  23. “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”
  24. “When a giraffe receives criticism from turtles, it considers the level their view is coming from.”
  25. The enemy sets us up to get upset: When we lose our temper, we lose our power.”
  26. “An apology for constructive racial or ethnic commentary is inappropriate. Those offended should heed the criticism and show more sensitivity to minority groups other than their own.”
  27. “There is a thin line between persecution and investigation.”
  28. “Pain is weakness leaving the body. Sweat is fat crying.”   U.S. MARINES
  29. “A real woman can do it all herself, but a real man won’t let her.”
  30. LAST WORDS are for fools who haven’t said enough.”
  31. “Never interrupt your enemy while they are in the process of self-destruction.”
  32. ANTITRUST LAWS were passed with the idea that it’s ok to compete but not alright to win the competition.”
  33. A Policeman is a composite of what all men are: mingling of a saint and sinner, dust and deity.”
  34. “Freedom of the press is all very well until it becomes libel. 1st amendment rights end where hate crimes begin.”
  35. “The field is like a woman, you live with it all your life and find out it still isn’t yours…”
  36. “Always fly 1st class.. your heirs will.”
  37. “Tolerance is a worthy idea, but apparently only certain ideas are worthy of being tolerated.”
  38. “Fast foods, fast cars and fast women are gone. Replaced by home cooking, SUVs, and a good wife.”
  39. “Is it racist to be proud of your race?”
  40. “The best remedy for disturbances is to let them run their course, for soon they quiet down.”
  41. “Why do we feel compelled to chase what we can’t catch?”
  42. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for more oft than not both friend and loan are lost alike.”    SHAKESPEARE
  43. “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”    T. Jefferson
  44. “Forgiving eliminates repetition which brings mental & emotional stress which is neither healthy nor productive.”
  45. “When we lose our temper we lose our power. The enemy sets us up to get upset.”
  46. “Freedom is jeopardized when govt. enforces laws it likes and ignores laws it doesn’t like.”
  47. “Donald Trump will be the only president in history that will be roundly condemned for keeping his promises.”
  48. “BE YOURSELF because everybody else is taken.”   UNKNOWN
  49. “Vanity and happiness are incompatible.”
  50. “The surest cure for vanity is loneliness.”
  51. “Funny thing about coming home; feels, looks, & smells the same, but it ain’t the same because it’s you that has changed.”
  52. “Be yourself because you never know who would love the person you hide.”
  53. “The frailty of human nature is the basis for government.”
  54. “When the state is most corrupt, the laws are most multiplied.”
  55. “THE FIRST TO APOLOGIZE is the bravest, THE FIRST TO FORGIVE is the strongest, and THE FIRST TO FORGET, is the happiest.”
  56. Hypocrite: A politician that watches a tree cut and topple, perches on it’s stump and preaches conservation.
  57. Curse and name call to make a point; surely both respect and argument are lost alike.
  58. THE DOUBLE STANDARD: Without double standards, the Dems would have no standards at all.
  59. The only kind of respect that matters is self respect.



Hunting is often called a sport as a way to pass it off as a socially acceptable, wholesome activity. However, sports involve competition between two consenting parties and the mediation of a referee. No sport ends with the deliberate death of one unwilling participant that didn’t even know it was in the game.

The hunter has an advantage over their prey. There is no fair chase as rifles, shotguns, and bows and arrows give the animal little chance of outrunning, let alone fighting. Further, “free range” as defined today rarely implies the vast wilderness that large game once roamed.

The number of domestic farm or factory raised animals is into the hundreds of millions whereas the prey in the wild is scarce and there to keep the balance of nature. Farm animals are the basic food that feeds the nation. Wild animals do little to satisfy a hungry population. Hunters rarely eat their kill, and often mount their trophy and hang it on their wall or leave it to be eaten by other animals or a hungry village.

Hunting is not a necessity to feed us or protect us. Rather, it is an ego driven sport where hunters typically select the biggest and strongest of the species….kind of a reverse evolution. Rather than strengthen the breed, they weaken future offspring. Hunting is 3rd on the list of causes of extinction.


The idea that hunters are conservationist is groundless as hunters’ investment in habitat protection has nothing to do with the habitat itself and everything to do with ensuring future hunting opportunities. This unnecessary violent form of “entertainment” rips animal families apart and leaves countless animals orphaned unable to care for themselves or badly injured when hunters miss their targets.

Hunting also disrupts migration and hibernation patterns and destroys families. For animals such as wolves and geese, who mate for life and live in close-knit family units, hunting can devastate entire communities.

Stop hunting and start filming. A kill is celebrated once by the hunter, a video can be viewed and enjoyed many times over.

PS: The world’s largest elephant was killed a few years ago, see images below.





Losing a loving pet is very emotional, but it is a time to be practical and reasonable. Your favorite is physically gone, but will remain a memory that is cherished for many years to come.

So, what is the remedy for the sorrow that we feel and can’t seem to get it out of our mind? The obvious answer is getting another personable dog or cat. They’re all beautiful. Go to a shelter or rescue place and find another beauty. Very soon it will take over your heart… just like the last friend did.

Easier said than done.

You know what joy your best friend brought to you and would want you to have another good buddy to make you laugh, because that’s all he/she wanted to do was to make you happy.

It is an inherent and highly probable risk that your shadow will die before you do. We all share the same risk. So, we have to accept it, enjoy our pets, & treat them better than we treat ourselves.


PS: Clover, my sweet rescue boy, is not deceased. I showed him as an illustration of a happy friend



Faith is useful when nothing else seems to work. Common sense and Faith are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Logic on one side, belief on the other.
Seldom do they intersect, they run parallel. When their paths cross, it’s called a miracle. Then both sides claim responsibility.



The scope and scale of this water conveyance system will be equal to the monumental importance of the Panama Canal. Permanent gains will be realized for a minimum of 100 years, perhaps an annuity in perpetuity.

A WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM: The annual massive floods in the East Coast, Mid-West and Mississippi River eventually drain to the underground water table and then on to the ocean or Gulf of Mexico. This wasted flow could be channeled into dams and reservoirs then moved by “aqua-ducts” to the parched Western states including Texas & Oklahoma. The route via the Great Plains thru Arizona to Calif is a fairly simple path to keep construction costs down.

As flood plains rise, large pumps move the excess water westward through pipelines, keeping the large rivers at normal levels. Oil is piped from Alaska similar to the proposed Keystone pipeline. Water is far easier to move and presents no hazards to the environment.

1. High paying American jobs would be created for a productive stimulus program that would have a long lasting effect. These jobs would be in the USA and by American companies. Maybe a job for the Corps of Army Engineers who, along with their military brethren will be looking for jobs after deficit spending ceases and massive layoffs start.
2. Clean energy would be produced by water movement.
3. Hardship endured by Mid-West and Mississippi flooding would be eliminated.
4. Much needed water gets to the right places instead of sinking into the water table and swelling the rivers to flood stage.
5. Flood Insurance premiums would go down.
6. Financing could be with long term tax-free government bonds at very low rates. When will it ever get cheaper? How many more treasuries can they sell?
7. Payback by those who use the water, but at a much lower rate than they are paying now.
8. A stimulus program that would fit the size of the need.
9. The bill would be passed with bi-partisan action.
10. Lower food costs with increased crops.

Obviously, this is a project that would have to be sponsored and run through the Federal government because it’s not confined to California.

I contacted Senator Feinstein and she liked the concept but has not followed through. She wrote me a personal letter lauding the idea, but not anything since. I wrote to President Obama six times with no response. Emailed to Trump…nothing yet.

Los Angeles has 2 active aquaducts, the Owens Valley built in 1913 and then one supervised by William Mulholland. Conceivably, it could be an open channel with enough current to keep it from stagnating.