1. GUN CONTROL: Whomever has the gun has control.”
  2. Hunting is NOT A SPORT because the prey doesn’t know it’s in the game. It doesn’t know the rules.
  3. FAITH is believing when common sense tells you not to.”
  4. “Nothing is quite as exhilarating as being shot at and missed.”
  5. TACT is for people who aren’t witty enough to be sarcastic.”
  6. “A tiger doesn’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.”
  7. It’s fine to believe in yourself, just don’t be too easily convinced.”
  8. “Your enemies succeed only when you hate them back.”
  9. PRIDE and VANITY have built more hospitals than all the noble virtues added together.”
  10. “An allegation in search of proof has no substance; proof which leads to allegation has credibility.”
  11. Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains.
  12. “A mind that is closed ceases to be one.” 
  13. Never hate your enemies… it might affect your judgment.
  14. DEFINITION OF GETTING OLD: Everything is just a little bit out of reach.”
  15. BE NICE TO YOUR CHILDRENfor they will choose your rest home.”
  16. Reading Playboy is like reading National Geographic; The sights are beautiful, but you’ll never visit them.”
  17. “Small men usually give the name of great men to appear greater themselves.”
  18. Trying is like failing; the only time you don’t want to fail is the last time you try.
  19. “A faint heart never won a fair maiden.”
  20. Whenever you talk, you’re repeating something you already know;  whenever you listen you are learning something new.”
  21. “When one woman strikes at the heart of another, she seldom misses, and her aim is invariably fatal.”
  22. A nasty heart manifests an ugly result. A cheerful heart makes its own song.”
  23. “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”
  24. “When a giraffe receives criticism from turtles, it considers the level their view is coming from.”
  25. The enemy sets us up to get upset: When we lose our temper, we lose our power.”
  26. “An apology for constructive racial or ethnic commentary is inappropriate. Those offended should heed the criticism and show more sensitivity to minority groups other than their own.”
  27. “There is a thin line between persecution and investigation.”
  28. “Pain is weakness leaving the body. Sweat is fat crying.”   U.S. MARINES
  29. “A real woman can do it all herself, but a real man won’t let her.”
  30. LAST WORDS are for fools who haven’t said enough.”
  31. “Never interrupt your enemy while they are in the process of self-destruction.”
  32. ANTITRUST LAWS were passed with the idea that it’s ok to compete but not alright to win the competition.”
  33. A Policeman is a composite of what all men are: mingling of a saint and sinner, dust and deity.”
  34. “Freedom of the press is all very well until it becomes libel. 1st amendment rights end where hate crimes begin.”
  35. “The field is like a woman, you live with it all your life and find out it still isn’t yours…”
  36. “Always fly 1st class.. your heirs will.”
  37. “Tolerance is a worthy idea, but apparently only certain ideas are worthy of being tolerated.”
  38. “Fast foods, fast cars and fast women are gone. Replaced by home cooking, SUVs, and a good wife.”
  39. “Is it racist to be proud of your race?”
  40. “The best remedy for disturbances is to let them run their course, for soon they quiet down.”
  41. “Why do we feel compelled to chase what we can’t catch?”
  42. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for more oft than not both friend and loan are lost alike.”    SHAKESPEARE
  43. “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.”    T. Jefferson
  44. “Forgiving eliminates repetition which brings mental & emotional stress which is neither healthy nor productive.”
  45. “When we lose our temper we lose our power. The enemy sets us up to get upset.”
  46. “Freedom is jeopardized when govt. enforces laws it likes and ignores laws it doesn’t like.”
  47. “Donald Trump will be the only president in history that will be roundly condemned for keeping his promises.”
  48. “BE YOURSELF because everybody else is taken.”   UNKNOWN
  49. “Vanity and happiness are incompatible.”
  50. “The surest cure for vanity is loneliness.”
  51. “Funny thing about coming home; feels, looks, & smells the same, but it ain’t the same because it’s you that has changed.”
  52. “Be yourself because you never know who would love the person you hide.”
  53. “The frailty of human nature is the basis for government.”
  54. “When the state is most corrupt, the laws are most multiplied.”
  55. “THE FIRST TO APOLOGIZE is the bravest, THE FIRST TO FORGIVE is the strongest, and THE FIRST TO FORGET, is the happiest.”
  56. Hypocrite: A politician that watches a tree cut and topple, perches on it’s stump and preaches conservation.
  57. Curse and name call to make a point; surely both respect and argument are lost alike.
  58. THE DOUBLE STANDARD: Without double standards, the Dems would have no standards at all.
  59. The only kind of respect that matters is self respect.


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